Oralce Reports Development
Step by step i am describing how to register a report in Oracle Apps.
1. Develop the report in Reportbuilder.
Note :- Whenever saving the report in your local machine pls be
careful not to give '.RDF' but to give '.rdf' '.RDf' will make error
while you are running the report in Apps.
2. FTP the rdf file from your local machine to corresponding TOP or custom_TOP
3. Register the report in executable
a) Login to Apps -> System Administrator/Application Developer - > Concurrent : Program/Concurrent -> Executable ->Execution File Name :- Same name as rdf fileShort Name :- This name will refer to Program
4. Register the report in Program
5. Assign the Program Name to required request group.
Now the report is ready to run.
hello santosh,
your work is awesome and i appreciate your work and keep going.I have got small request...
can you post documents on Discoverer,XML publisher,Forms personalization..etc..it will be use full for the guys who visit your blog...
Hi santosh,
This is sreedhar here , can u tell me the process of generating the rdf out put into excel(Using XML Publisher),and also using Plsql code
sreedhar reddy
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